
Through blog posts, interviews and other resources, the Power of Mulligans’ philosophy will be applied to the various aspects of wellness – health, personal life, economic, and environmental. We invite you to join us on this journey and hope you will not only enjoy the ride but also benefit personally and professionally from the ideas you will glean from our pages.

In general terms a mulligan is a second chance to accomplish something that went awry the first time. Think about it; how many chances do parents give their baby to successfully learn to walk? As many as it takes!

From this concept of ‘whatever it takes’ The Mulligan Principle was born: While it’s true that we only get one life to live, there is no rule that says we only get one chance to live it well!

What does wellness look like to us?

Wellness is an active process through which we become aware of, and make choices toward, a healthier, and more fulfilling and successful life.

Our mission is to help you achieve wellness however you define it!

About the Author of the forthcoming book The Mulligan Protocol

Dave MorrisDave Morris has been in the people development business for over 30 years. Whether leading domestic or international teams or teaching discipline-specific principles and techniques on four continents, he has freely given and taken countless mulligans while mentoring others as they learn their craft and strive to achieve success and wellness.

Dave has spoken to youth and religious groups, business conferences and to television and satellite audiences. He is available to teach individuals or groups how to tap into the Power of Mulligans.



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